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Program Draft is available: ICONIP2023_Program_Final .

The conference album is available and you can download it by copying the link below: https://pan.baidu.com/s/16Rbkcr49eUSfS7m_vswHMQ?pwd=kcsd .

The lage group photo of ICONIP2023 is available, you can click here to download.

Instructions for presentation:

1. Please check the presentation type file for your paper.

2. For Oral presentation, each paper will arrange 15 minutes, including 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for Q/A.

3. For Poster presentation, please follow the following instructions:

- Please download and use the poster template to prepare your presentation.

- The authors should print the poster (0.8m in width, 1.2m in height) by yourself in advance and bring it to the conference with you to the conference site for display.

- Please note that during your poster session, the author should stay by your poster paper to explain and discuss your paper with visiting delegates.



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Call for Invited Sessions

Deadline for proposals: April 10, 2023 May 10, 2023

Invited session proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness, uniqueness of the topic and qualifications of the proposers. The proposers are expected to have a PhD degree and have a good publication track record in the proposed area. After review, a decision on whether the proposal will be accepted will be sent to the proposers within two weeks after receipt of the proposals. Accepted invited sessions will be listed on the website. However, it is likely that an accepted proposal will be combined with another one to avoid multiple invited sessions covering similar topics. A maximum of 30 invited sessions will be accepted for ICONIP2023. A final decision will be made two weeks after the submission deadline.

Invited session proposals should be sent by e-mail to: Prof. Lin Xiao (xiaolin5@hunnu.edu.cn) with a copy to iconip2023@126.com. All proposals should be submitted by April 10, 2023 May 10, 2023 Early proposals are highly encouraged.

Manuscripts submitted to invited sessions should be done through the paper submission website of ICONIP2023 as regular submissions to the designated invited session (by scrolling down the topic list). It is the responsibility of the authors to make sure that papers submitted to an invited session clearly indicate the name of the invited session the paper belongs to. All papers submitted to invited sessions will be subject to the same peer-review procedure as regular papers. Invited sessions having fewer than 4 accepted papers will be cancelled and the accepted papers will be moved to regular sessions.

In case of any specific needs or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the conference secretariat at: iconip2023@126.com.

We look forward to receiving your research contributions and we will be happy to host you in Changsha, China.

The template for invited session proposal. (Template_invited_session_proposal.docx)

List of Accepted Invited Sessions

ID Title Proposers Contact Affiliation
NIPS-01 Distributed Control and Optimization of Constrained Networked Complex Systems Junjie Fu fujunjie@seu.edu.cn Southeast University
Yuezu Lv yzlv@bit.edu.cn Beijing Institute of Technology
Jialing Zhou jialingz@bit.edu.cn Beijing Institute of Technology
Ying Wan wan_ying@seu.edu.cn Southeast University
Guanghui Wen ghwen@seu.edu.cn Southeast University
NIPS-02 Reliable, Robust and Secure Machine Learning Algorithms Monowar Bhuyan monowar.bhuyan@umu.se Umeå University
Xuan-Son Vu xuan-son.vu@umu.se Umeå University
Shashi Gowda shashi@devr.com Devr Inc
Erik Elmroth erik.elmroth@umu.se Umeå University
Harry Nguyen hn@cs.ucc.ie University College Cork

Metaheuristics and Evolutionary Computation in Intelligent Information Processing:

Theoretical Foundations and Applications

Weng Kin Lai laiwk@tarc.edu.my Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management & Technology
Chu Kiong Loo ckloo.um@um.edu.my University of Malaya
Chee Peng Lim chee.lim@deakin.edu.au Deakin University
NIPS-04 Computationally Intelligent Techniques in Processing and Analysis of NeuronalInformation Mufti Mahmud muftimahmud@gmail.com Nottingham Trent University
Maryam Doborjeh mgholami@aut.ac.nz Auckland University of Technology
M Shamim Kaiser mskaiser@juniv.edu Jahangirnagar University
NIPS-05 New Trends of Swarm Intelligence Optimization Assisted by Machine Learning Techniques Xinyu Zhou xyzhou@jxnu.edu.cn Jiangxi Normal University
Wenlong Ni wni@jxnu.edu.cn Jiangxi Normal University
Hu Peng hu_peng@whu.edu.cn Jiujiang University
Hui Wang huiwang@whu.edu.cn Nanchang Institute of Technology
Shahryar Rahnamayan srahnamayan@brocku.ca Brock University
NIPS-06 Advanced Computational Intelligence for Sustainable Transportation Ruobin Gao ruobin.gao@ntu.edu.sg Nanyang Technological University
P. N. Suganthan p.n.suganthan@qu.edu.qa Qatar University
Kevin X. Li kxli@zju.edu Zhejiang University
Kum Fai Yuen kumfai.yuen@ntu.edu.sg Nanyang Technological University
NIPS-07 Intelligent Control and Decision-making of Unmanned Systems Bin Xu binxu@nwpu.edu.cn Northwestern Polytechnical University
Quan-Yong Fan fanquanyong@nwpu.edu.cn Northwestern Polytechnical University
Weixin Han hanweixin@nwpu.edu.cn Northwestern Polytechnical University

Dendritic neuron model:

Theory, design, optimization and applications

He Huang hhuang@suda.edu.cn Soochow University
Junkai Ji jijunkai@szu.edu.cn Shenzhen University
Jian Wang wangjiannl@upc.edu.cn China University of Petroleum
Dongpo Xu xudp100@nenu.edu.cn Northeast Normal University
NIPS-09 Federated Learning for Industry 5.0 Thippa Reddy Gadekallu thippareddy@ieee.org Jiaxing University
Gautam Srivastava srivastavag@brandonu.ca Brandon University
Nancy Victor drnancyvictor@ieee.org Vellore Institute of Technology
Wei Wang ehomewang@ieee.org Shenzhen MSU-BIT University
NIPS-10 AI-based Multimodal Data Analysis for Medical and Health Applications Md Zakir Hossain zakir.hossain1@curtin.edu.au Curtin University
Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam syed.islam@ecu.edu.au Edith Cowan University
Asim Iqbal iqbala@ini.ethz.ch Cornell University
Bao-Liang Lu bllu@sjtu.edu.cn Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Tom Gedeon Tom.Gedeon@curtin.edu.au Curtin University
NIPS-11 Engineering applications of hybrid artificial intelligence tools Zbigniew Gomolka zgomolka@ur.edu.pl University of Rzeszow
Yuryi Kondratenko yuriy.kondratenko@chmnu.edu.ua Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University
Boguslaw Twarog btwarog@ur.edu.pl University of Rzeszow
Ewa Dudek-Dyduch edd@agh.edu.pl Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow
Damian Kordos d.kordos@prz.edu.pl Rzeszow University of Technology

Advanced Computational Intelligence Applications for Modelling,

Optimization, Control, and Planning of Smart Grid

Xiangyu Li xiangu.li1@unsw.edu.au University of New South Wales
Zihang Qiu qiuzihang0305@outlook.com Software R&D; Engineer,Technology of Digital Energy

ICONIP2023 Call for Tutorials and Workshops

Deadline for proposals: June 30, 2023

ICONIP2023 invites proposals for half- or full-day tutorials/workshops which offer participants in-depth discussions of specific topics in neural networks. ICONIP2023 will have a special focus on the emerging and growing areas of neural networks such as the deep learning, brain-inspired research, etc. The tutorial/workshop organizers should be scientists or professionals with significant expertise in their fields. The topics of the proposed tutorials/workshops should include new findings and/or current research trends that will drive the neural network field forward in the near future. The format of each tutorial/workshop is up to the organizer. Tutorial/workshop organizers are encouraged to prepare various materials including handouts or electronic resources that can be made available for distribution before or after the workshops.

Researchers interested in organizing tutorials/workshops at ICONIP2023 are invited to submit a formal proposal including the following information as a single PDF file to Prof. Guanghui Wen (ghwen@seu.edu.cn) with a copy to iconip2023@126.com:

- Tutorial/Workshop title;

- Tutorial/Workshop duration: Half day (3 hours) or full day (6 hours);

- Organizers and their short bio;

- Brief description of the tutorial/workshop topic;

- Confirmed and/or potential speakers;

- Link to organizer's web page and/or tutorial/workshop web site (optional).

Template_Tutorials_Workshops_proposal. (Template_Tutorials_Workshops_proposal.docx)

All proposals should be submitted by June 30, 2023 . Early proposals are highly encouraged. Please contact the tutorial/workshop chairs for questions.

List of Accepted Tutorials

ID Title Organizers Contact Affiliation
NIPT-01 AI Based Malware Detection Mohit Sewak mohit.sewak@microsoft.com Microsoft Security Research (MSecR) Microsoft R&D;
Hemant Rathore hemantr@goa.bits-pilani.ac.in Dept. of CS & IS BITS Pilani
NIPT-02 Hypervolume Approximation for Many-objective Optimization and Learning Ke Shang kshang@foxmail.com Southern University of Science and Technology
Hisao Ishibuchi hisao@sustech.edu.cn Southern University of Science and Technology
NIPT-03 Transfer Learning for EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces Dongrui Wu drwu@hust.edu.cn Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Conscious Learning by Developmental Networks:

Vision, Audition, Natural Languages, Planning and Thinking

Juyang Weng juyang.weng@gmail.edu Brain-Mind Institute
NIPT-05 Large scale SVM algorithms and applications M. Tanveer https://www.iiti.ac.in/people/~mtanveer/ OPTImization for MAchine Learning (OPTIMAL) Research Lab Indian Institute of Technology Indore

List of Accepted Workshops

ID Title Organizers Contact Affiliation

The 16th International Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security Workshop (AICS2023) (CFP.PDF)

The 14th International Cybersecurity Data Mining Competition (CDMC2023)

Kaizhu Huang kaizhu.huang@dukekunshan.edu.cn Kunshan Duke University
Harith Al-Sahaf ecs.vuw.ac.nz Victoria University of Wellington
Zhiyong Liu zhiyong.liu@ia.ac.cn Institute of Automation of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Contact us at iconip2023@126.com